Saturday, December 29, 2007


Long before Berke Breathed produce the shit-streaked comic, "Outland," Sean Connery produced a shit-fueled motion picture called "Outland." I am not a huge Connery fan, though I have enjoyed a few of his flicks. On a whim, I decided to get this vintage sci-fi flick from Netflix. I thought it might be on a par with Bladerunner, one of the greatest movies ever, but it was more like Shitrunner, a fictional movie that was never produced but does conjure up imagery of a horrible disaster.
To be honest, I didn't make it through the entire film. Most everyone I know knows that I have a tough time staying awake through movies, unless I'm actually watching them at the theater. If it's at home, I usually fall asleep. Starting this one late at night probably didn't help. Writing some boring-ass script most likely didn't help much, either. I would say this movie's fans can be filed under two categories: 1. People who loved it when it came out twenty five years ago and have since gone retarded. 2. Retards.
Don't rent Outland.

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