Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Looking at Watching the Watchmen

I recently picked up the WATCHMEN 'behind the scenes' compilation of Dave Gibbons' (and, to a lesser extent Alan Moore's) preliminary ideas, sketches, roughs, alternates, and promotional pieces. This isn't just a magazine; it's a $50, oversized hardcover. It contains just about every doodle Gibbons did for the series, and a lot of less-polished pieces, as well.
Throughout the novel, the phrase "Qui Epsidoes Epstedes?" is repeated. Well, that's probably not how it's spelled, but who really speaks Latin anymore, anyway? Regardless, another common Latin phrase pops to mind: Caveat Emptor. I'm pretty sure I got that one right, and I'm pretty sure it means "If you get screwed, it's your own damn fault." Take heed of those words before purchasing this compendium of redundancy, irrelevancy, and minutiae. Now, I certainly recognize the fact that Watchmen is a decent comic, and without a doubt it was an influential one as well. I'm on record several times, stating that it's not my favorite Moore work. Nonetheless, I can enjoy the comic on it's own merits. But what I can't enjoy, really, is this latest book. 
In addition to most of the material being thubnails, breakdowns and very rough sketches, there's a smattering of text pieces by Gibbons. To tell the truth, I haven't even read all of them yet, because they're scattered, packed between endless pages of dullutry. 
Don't let this book dissuade your enjoyment of Watchmen, the original graphic novel. It really is a good book, but this just seems to extraneous and unnecessary. From a historic viewpoint, and for graphic artists, it may hold more of an appeal. It's without a doubt a valid collection; just not one that really holds up well as a narrative read. Kind of like watching your date pluck her mole hairs that afternoon. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New Watchmen Contest! Enter to win at: http://blog.movieset.com/2009/02/20/the-watchmen-contest-spot-video-clues-to-win-prizes/