Saturday, August 2, 2008

Book Reviewed!

How long do you think you'll be able to read this particular blog entry? Let's face it; time is pretty cheap these days. Have you seen ninety percent of what passes as entertainment on the internet these days? If you actually have seen ninety percent, that's amazing. I mean, really; the internet is pretty much endless. It's like the universe and the solar system and all that space-shit combined. It never ends. Kind of like this blog entry.
If you're still reading this blog entry (heretofore mentioned as "BE-Blog Entry"), don't pat yourself on the back just yet. It's a boring entry, and the fact that you've made it this far is really nothing to congratulate yourself about. Especially since, though originally intended to be a never-ending, tedious, long-winded diatribe, this entry simply ends without

1 comment:

Rick Rottman said...

This post was obviously inspired by the movie No Country for Old Men.

Keep up the good work!